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Are eyebrow transplants possible?

A pair of beautiful eyes are made even more attractive with a lush set of eyebrows. Traditionally, women have been using charcoal or a kajal stick to fill in any bare spots in the eyebrows and to make them appear denser. Today, however, one does not need to use makeup anymore to have a thick set of eyebrows as hair transplantation techniques are available. The eyebrow transplant cost in Kerala is quite affordable and if you have been wanting a better set of brows, then an eyebrow transplant is a good procedure to consider. The Haircure Transplantation Centre with over 300 happy clients is renowned for its affordable eyebrow transplant cost in Kerala. The procedure is a simple one and is similar to that of a hair transplant. Hair grafts along with the follicles from above the ears are taken and then transplanted directly on the eyebrow area. This means that new hair begins to grow once older hair falls out naturally. The process does not take more than 3 – 4 hours and patients should see new hair growing from anywhere between two to four months. Although the eyebrow transplant cost in Kerala is low in comparison to other transplant procedures, the recovery time is also longer.

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